Trendy Touch Board series can be operated by Touch and Remote. Our touch boards are water drop resistance and shock-proof
Option to configure touch sensitivity (Feather, Mild, Hard).
Upgrade to our touch boards without any changes to your existing wiring.
Available in 2, 4, 8, 12 modular sizes.
Designed to fit in standard gang box.
RoHS compliant
Smart Sens Touch Board series can be operated by Touch, Remote, Mobile App and voice commands. Our touch boards are water drop resistance and shock-proof
Option to configure touch sensitivity (Feather, Mild, Hard).
Upgrade to our touch boards without any changes to your existing wiring.
Available in 2, 4, 8, 12 modular sizes.
Designed to fit in standard gang box.
RoHS compliant
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Some text about the jeans. Super slim and comfy lorem ipsum lorem jeansum. Lorem jeamsun denim lorem jeansum.
Some text about the jeans. Super slim and comfy lorem ipsum lorem jeansum. Lorem jeamsun denim lorem jeansum.
Some text about the jeans. Super slim and comfy lorem ipsum lorem jeansum. Lorem jeamsun denim lorem jeansum.